Our terms and conditions outline what MuslimGiving does for charities, fundraisers and donors. It also describes what MuslimGiving requests and expects of our users. MuslimGiving is available in a number of different countries and the core terms and conditions apply in those locations.
Summary Of Terms And Conditions
MuslimGiving provides and maintains a fundraising platform that processes donations from the general public.
Your data, information and privacy is of utmost importance to use. Please have a look at our Privacy Policy for more details on how we protect all of this information.
If you create a campaign or fundraising page on MuslimGiving, please remember the spirit of our work and our Islamic ethos and values. We reserve the right to remove material or close pages down that may contain offensive or obscene text or images. You also need to ensure you have permission (if relevant) to create pages on behalf of a cause or charity and that any images or videos used on your page do not breach individual privacy (e.g. posting images of children without parental consent or knowledge) or copyright regulations.
Extensive Terms And Conditions
The name MuslimGiving is trademark and copyright protected. MuslimGiving operates at www.MuslimGiving.org and all related aspects and services are featured on that website. You are strongly advised to read the terms and conditions that MuslimGiving operates under and these terms may change or be updated on occasion. It is your responsibility to check the terms and conditions
Once your donation has been made, it can only be refunded in exceptional circumstances and with the consent of the cause to which it has been made. MuslimGiving reserves the right to refuse a refund and to retain the payment transaction fee in the event that a donation is approved.
MuslimGiving cannot guarantee your donation will be used as described on a campaign or fundraising page and is therefore not responsible for the actions of a charity, team or individual fundraiser. Causes and organisations may use your donation for administration costs or for appeals not originally intended. Once a donation has been made, any dispute or dealings shall be between the donor and the charity. If you require your donation to be for a specific purpose only or you are dissatisfied about how funds are being used, you should contact the charity or creator of the page directly.
When you make a donation and the transaction has been completed, this cannot be disputed except in the case where fraudulent or unauthorised usage of your payment card or payment method is proven. If you suspect or are aware of fraudulent activity being carried out in your name, you must contact the provider of your card or payment method, for them to advise you accordingly.
MuslimGiving does not charge a platform fee. Our service is free. The only payment is the third party card processing fee.
Charities And Causes
MuslimGiving allows you to donate and raise fund for any registered charity or nonprofit organisation on our platform and also other good causes. Every charity listed on MuslimGiving enters a contractual agreement for us to collect donations on their behalf.
All other causes (individual fundraising pages and causes not registered with HMRC or the Charity Commission) are also bound by our terms and conditions, however, MuslimGiving cannot accept responsibility for the nature of these causes nor how they choose to spend the funds they receive. If you are creating a page for such a cause, it is your responsibility to assess their legitimacy, whether they are genuine and if the funds are likely to reach the intended recipients.
Your Account
When creating and registering with MuslimGiving, please ensure you select a secure password that will help protect your account. You are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of your password. If you suspect or become aware of your account being used without your permission, you are advised to change your password in the first instance and to contact us to provide you with guidance.
Tax, Financial Advice and Privacy
MuslimGiving does not operate as financial advisors or accountants. You are therefore urged to seek independent and professional advice when it comes to taxation, accounting and such related matters.
MuslimGiving has a privacy policy, which forms part of our general terms and conditions. This policy sets out how we manage the information you give us when you join and use MuslimGiving. To access our full policy on privacy please click here.
Code Of Conduct
By registering to use MuslimGiving you must at all times adhere to the following:
You must not upload anything racist, sexist, defamatory, inappropriate or anything likely to cause offence. MuslimGiving reserves the right to remove such material and we may shut down campaign or fundraising pages or revoke membership on this basis.
All images and videos on your campaign or fundraising page must be original or not in breach of copyright or you must have permission to use such material. All content uploaded to a campaign or fundraising page with MuslimGiving becomes property of MuslimGiving and we may therefore decide to reuse such content for promotional or marketing campaigns for MuslimGiving.
By creating a campaign or fundraising page with MuslimGiving, your page must be genuine with the intention of receiving donations to help the cause or charity as described.
Your identity as set out on your profile or campaign or fundraising page must be genuine and accurate. Any information on individuals you may be raising funds for, must be appropriate and not in breach of their personal privacy. They must also be represented fairly and have a genuine need as set out in your campaign or fundraising page
MuslimGiving Trademarks
‘MuslimGiving’, ‘www.MuslimGiving.org, the MuslimGiving logo and anything bearing our branding are protected and trademarked by MuslimGiving. As a result, they must not be used without the permission of MuslimGiving.
MuslimGiving reserves the right to suspend or cancel membership and edit or delete campaigns or fundraising page that are in breach of our terms and conditions. MuslimGiving may also close a campaign or fundraising page or suspend memberships based on any reports of payment irregularity, fraud or misrepresentation set up by you on behalf of a cause or charity. Any campaign or fundraising page set up on the MuslimGiving platform is not an indication of our endorsement or approval of such causes as the platform is open to the public and a campaign or fundraising page can be set up as long as they are not in breach of our rules. You also reserve the right to terminate your account and usage of MuslimGiving services at any time.
MuslimGiving does not act to, exclude or limit MuslimGiving's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence, fraud or any other liability. Use of MuslimGiving is on an "as is" and "as available" basis and at your own risk. MuslimGiving does not guarantee continuous uninterrupted service and services may be interfered with by factors outside of our control.
If found liable, MuslimGiving shall only be liable for losses that are reasonably foreseeable and caused by MuslimGiving’s breach of their own terms and conditions. MuslimGiving's liability to you will not exceed the total sum of the donations you have made using the MuslimGiving platform.