At MuslimGiving we are committed to providing a service of the very highest standard. Sometimes things can go wrong, and when they do, we want you to tell us so we can put them right as soon as possible. So if you are unhappy with something, then please make sure you let us know by contacting us either by email as detailed below.

Where we can reach an agreement to your complaint within 5 business days we will contact you to confirm we have resolved the issue. If the issue is more complex or we can not resolve the problem within 5 days:

  • We will contact you to acknowledge your complaint
  • We will aim to respond to your complaint within 15 calendar days. If there is a delay we will keep you updated on our progress.

Complaints from a Charity

  • MuslimGiving will attempt to resolve matters straight away. If this cannot be resolved in 5 days, an email will be sent to acknowledge your complaint.
  • Once MuslimGiving have completed an investigation you will receive a final response. This will confirm the decision on your complaint, what we will do to put things right and information about additional rights you have.
  • MuslimGiving aims to send you a response within 15 days. If there is a delay we will keep you updated on progress and if this is the case, you will receive a reply within 35 days.
  • Where you are not satisfied with the final response, where you are eligible, you will have the right to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

You can contact our complaints team by emailing 

Please explain what has happened with details, if you can. Also, let us know what you would like us to do to make things right again.