Help For Donations

I made a payment or donation, but it got rejected
If your donation is rejected we will not be able to take your donation and you will not be charged.   Depending on the issue you could try the transacti...
Fri, 2 Dec, 2022 at 2:40 PM
How can I get a refund for a donation I have made
We will only issue a refund donation if you made it accidentally and report it within 24 hours. We send donations automatically every week to your charity. ...
Fri, 2 Dec, 2022 at 2:40 PM
Can you make bank transfer to a campaign or fundraising page?
. No. Payments can only be made online via debit card, credit card, Google and Apple pay.
Fri, 2 Dec, 2022 at 2:41 PM
Can I donate over the phone?
No. Donations can only be made online.
Fri, 2 Dec, 2022 at 2:41 PM